LOVE YOU lyrics
Honey love you, honey little,
honey funny sunny morning
love you more funny love in the skyline baby
ice-cream 'scuse me,
I've seen you looking good the other evening
Oh, you dig it, had to smile just an hour or so
(are) we in love like I think we be?
It Ain't a long rhyme.
It took ages to think
I think I'll hurl it in the water, baby...
Honey love you, honey little,
honey funny sunny morning
love you more funny love in the skyline baby
ice-cream 'scuse me,
I've seen you looking good the other evening
Flaking you are an nice little one
to put it all around, its just good
I like it, hey hey hey
S'pose some time that day
whoopee! swinging along over across to me
Honey love you, honey little,
honey funny sunny morning
love you more funny love in the skyline baby
ice-cream 'scuse me,
I've seen you looking good the other evening
Goodtime rocker woman we'll stray our pieces
little creepy we shine so sleepy,
so whoopee!
That's how you look...
Honey love you, honey little,
honey funny sunny morning
love you more funny love in the skyline baby
ice-cream 'scuse me,
I've seen you looking good the other evening

Syd Barrett Lyrics

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